
'Labour' day.....

It was indeed a long weekend last week but since I gotta do some work on Labour Day ('really labouring day...') due to IT servers' maintenance and downtime, I can't go anywhere but work from home to test my systems.
It finished in the late afternoon, later than lunch, and we headed to Tebrau City to finally enjoy our long weekend. It's an even longer weekend for my kids since there's Vesak Day holiday in Malaysia. Singapore's Vesak Day only falls on 1 June, thus I gotta go back to work. Nowhere to go but just hit the malls and shop and we were back to Kim Gary for lunch.

Chicken rice with egg and sweetcorns... quite nice and ordered by my kids

Just found out Kim Gary also offered dim sum which I don't see it on the menu. I quickly ordered some char siew pau to try it. It's nice!!

Minch meat with egg rice for myself .

Noodle soup for my wifey 

And, a cuppa of HK coffee for me, after a 'laborious' day...
Have a good week!


  1. That's a nice outing with your family. The long weekend went by so fast :(

  2. This reminds me how long i haven't stepped in Kim Gary LOL

  3. Kim Gary. I haven't dine here. You work on Labour Day? Poor thing.

  4. Labour Day I went Temples One Day Tour with my friend and went to the bookshop and bought some books.

    So you went to the malls after "working at home", nice outing and I like the cup of coffee

  5. So what did you buy from the malls? Can share?

  6. Eyewwww!!! Pan-fried egg, double thumbs down! Ahhhhh!!!! I love yours! Stewed egg, just can;t resist. Half only kah? I'd one one whole egg, maybe tow!

  7. Ahh KimGary, I like the cheese baked rice, didnt know got dimsum and char siew pau though..

  8. You didn't take leave yesterday so as to have more time with your family

  9. Too bad!

    Luckily for us, Wesak Day falls on the long weekend so we had Monday off too. :)

  10. This restaurant is always my favourite joint and there's always a long queue at the MV outlet till today!

  11. one long weekend for Malaysians but two long weekends for Singaporean.. I wonder why the Vesak Day isn't observed on the same day, I noticed only Malaysia is on beginning May but SG, TH, HK all end May or early June..

  12. aahh, I think sometimes it's not too bad to work on a holiday when you have nothing to do at home.. furthermore just one morning only, should be okay lah, if you are really concentrating I guess it's also more efficient since there is no interruptions working from
    home.. :)

  13. oh, I have not been to Kim Gary for quite some time already.. I remember every time I go also very packed with people.. the food also looks good, I like the minced meat rice you ordered, yummy yummy!! :)

  14. The char siew pao caught my attention. The bun looks fluffy stuffed with wholesome of pork.LOL!!

  15. all my favourites.. especially the pao.
