
Ecoworld Tropics ...

Due to the new Johor weekend, we seldom travel around especially to nearby places from JB, which my family and I used to do that many years back then. Thanks to some enrichment classes which was cancelled on a Saturday and we decided to go around (again). Well, we didn't venture far and a friend told us to bring the kids to Ecoworld Tropics at Masai , where they can enjoyed some nature and beautiful decors around. I didn't know where is Ecoworld Tropics as there are so many Ecoworld around and I am not sure if they also decorate and landscaped each Ecoworld office and garden. hahaha... Well, we were told of the place and with a GPS, we managed to reached Masai quite fast.
A beautiful landscape and mini garden with my little princess become my model

There was also an 'animal' park there , where it was made of cardboards.

Sculpture of horses from cardboard

I love this pix of the windmill, where it was a hit last year with the public.

Such a beautiful, clean and relaxing park. It was nice to getaway from the citty and head to the quiet town of Masai, with such a beautiful park. It will be great to stay here too ... how I wish... hahaha...

My kid trying to get some attention ,... :P

Love those recyclable items being in used for decor!
The day before, I was at Breeks Cafe in City Square for my late dinner. It was quite late when I reached JB and I settled my own dinner as I was a little hungry too. I decided to have something western and I Love Breeks there, it was quiet and relaxing.  I ordered a combo of cajun fish with beef fillet. It was nice! And, not forgetting a long black to wind down!!

Have a nice weekend!


  1. This place is very interesting and relaxing where you could take many photos. The miniatures and sculptures are different from other countries. EcoWorld is fastest growing after the split with SP Setia Group.

    1. Yes, it was such a pleasant and nice place with beautiful landscape ! How I wish I can buy a house there ! Hahhah

  2. What's the new Johore weekend? If I am not wrong, it used to be Friday off, and Saturday, government offices work on Sunday - same as in Sg Petani, Kedah.

    1. Yes yes ... you are right but mostly government offices follow the new weekend, as well as TM and so on. Most of the offices still closed on Sundays, and that really caused jams around school areas as parents usually will fetch their kids on Sundays, instead of taking school buses.

  3. Masai is the name of a tribe in Africa, also spelt Maasai...and you can ask any Foochow friend what that means in the dialect. :D

    1. errrr...all I know it is a small town in JB.

  4. Your girl is so sweet, so pretty, little lady.

  5. How long is it from JB to Masai? If not very long journey, thought of asking my JB friend bring me there, hehe...

    Malaysia National Day end of the month, you got take leave and bring your family go jalan jalan?

    1. Its actually a part of JB but nothing really much to see there.

  6. Very nice this Ecoworld Tropics. Ya lah, would be nice to stay there :)

  7. Taiwan also got a place where they have these "cardboard animals".

    Your girl is a suitable model because she is so pretty and photogenic

    1. Yeah, I heard about it too.
      She likes to take photos..hahaha

  8. Your boy is so cute, he knows he cannot "outshine" his pretty sister, so he made funny poses to "attract attention", haha

  9. Lovely place to take photos, I notice the place is very tidy and clean

    1. Yes, it's very clean and a nice place to take pics.

  10. now more and more tourist attraction there. One day must go and pay a visit

  11. Beautiful pictures with beautiful model.

  12. Nice place to spend some time with family. It is free entrance right???

    1. Yes, it's free as I guess the intent is to get you guys to check out the showhouses.

  13. Eco World always come out with beautiful landscape.

  14. I've been to one of these Eco World housing area, in Seremban. Also very beautiful but extremely hot.

    1. I wonder if all EcoWorld decorated their places like this... with nice landscapes and etc.

  15. Nice place!

    Your girl seems like grown up a lot already, she is sure one sweet young lady!

    1. Yeah, she has grown up... no longer the toddler. hahaha
