
In my last post, I mentioned about giving my kids some workouts. Somehow, that prompted me to share again the goodness of exercise. Hope I am not too long winded here, just some sharing on healthy living. :)  I find that exercise is really important as it's really good for our body and mind. So far, two doctors commented the importance of exercise...


My two kids were down with throat infection, cough and running nose over the weekend. The elder one got it first and then, it was passed to my little princess. Luckily,  the elder one got better after a day of meds and rest. When I brought him to the clinic, the gym-siao doctor again commented my kid is too skinny and seems not doing enough exercise....


I am back to Paparich after a while in JB as I feel like having their coffee. So far, they make the best coffee in JB , as far as I am concerned. However , the food is average compared to the past.  Nasi lemak with chicken rendang .. not too bad but can be better I still love their coffee ..very fragrant and kao My wifey had a chicken...


Had my body medical check-up last Saturday at a pharmacy near Sutera Mall. It's been a while since I had a checkup where I used to do it every quarterly in the past, just to check my cholesterol level then. Since it's been almost a year already, I sign up for a more comprehensive check-up which includes prostate cancer markers. I guess its a good...


My kid received a surprise when his tuition called my wifey to inform that he was one of the most improved student in his recent school exams. He was invited to an award ceremony organised by his tuition centre and of course, the whole family was invited too. I was extremely pleased with his tuition centre for organising such event annually and even...


REST! That's a very important thing to do during weekends, whether you have been working hard in office, exercising hard at the gym over the last few days, charity work, cleaning the house, cooking for the family and etc for the past week. Today I woke up late and nap again about 4pm after running my errands as well as lunch with family. Nothing beats...


It has been a long day at work... and finally it's weekend again! As usual I had my dinner alone before leaving for home after a good run in the gym just now, and I thought of having some comfort food - Steak. I went to Kungfu Paradise again in Bedok Point and order a rib-eye Steak. It cost me S$14, but I guess its still affordable la, for a steak. The...


Though my family have tried the noodles already, which were imported miles away from Sibu by a kind blogger, STP, I only managed to eat it today. It was also due to the fact that I always went out and eat out with my family during weekends and I seldom have chance to cook something simple at home. Thanks to a rainy day in JB last Sunday where I finally...


Nothing grand in celebrating Mother's Day for my wifey as there was replacement class on Saturday for my kid and he needed to go to school on Sunday. Unlike previous years, my sis-in-law and family and will join us but this year, they decided to celebrate in Singapore. Thus, I decided to bring my family to Umatei restaurant again since their Japanese...


I am not sure if Kemayan in Seremban was a famous place for makan. However, there seems a couple of restaurants there, be it chinese or malay or mamak. When I show the food pixs as well as the restaurant pixs to my nieces, they immediately know it's Kemayan. Thus,I guess the place is famous for makan. LOL. I visited my in laws in Seremban and...


I had BKT each in two days ! After enjoying the Kota Tinggi's famous BKT, the next day we went to Tampoi for another famous BKT in JB. The surroundings was very 'kampung' like and it was quite hot there too. This place was also quite crowded but we were there at 2pm and its lesser crowd. Hin Hock BKT in Tampoi Inside the place Getting...


I think I had a good long weekend over the Labour Day holidays. I worked from home on last Wednesday and had dinner at home where my wife cooked, instead of my usual eating outside after work. The weekend was well-spent though it's the usual routines like shopping and cari makan.  However, I always realised that I seldom helped out on house-work...


 It was a Saturday morning and my sis in law suggested we drive to Kota Tinggi to try the famous Kiang Kee Bak Kut Teh. This was a famous eatery in the south and as if you google it, you can find lots of entries on this restaurant. Though it was closed around 1pm (opens at 7am), most of the time, the BKT will finished by 11am+. We reached there...