
I had a great run yesterday evening where the haze has gone and the skies were so clear after a morning rain. I was delighted to be able to run for 16 KM in preparation for my half-marathon where of late, I always struggled in my runs. However, with a fresh body and mind after having a nap in the bus as well as a rested pair of legs, it was such an...


Exercise...exercise....workout!! This activity has been occupying my time for a long time that I can't remember how long, but only for the last three years, I did it consistently. Typically, for the last thre years, I almost workout for 5 days a week which includes all various activities like badminton, running and gym. I am not well-built and no...


It has been a long wait and after so many years, I finally cash out for the first time my nuffnang earnings, which was the minimum sum that I can take!! hahaha.. how pathetic compared to other bloggers who week in and week out earned so much more than me!! My colleague even teased me that I am so happy to earn just an hundred. It really took me so...


I heard every runners will encountered bad runs from time to time, where somehow, everything just don't work for them. That usually happened during training sessions. The runner could be overtrained, not feeling well, lack of sleep or injured or cannot adapt to their new gears. I encountered one such run last week where I tried out compression socks...


It's almost year-end and I guess this is a very busy time for most of us, until mid-November where the school holidays and holiday season arrived. Some of us also planning for their sabbatical rest for the year by travelling overseas or take long leaves to wind down.  It's always good to let go and relax after the long year but I guess taking...


Somehow I find that negative thoughts can be dangerous to our well-being and worst still, if not control, it may spiral into a monster. It's just like a small fire when spread, can be as dangerous as a forest fire which gave us haze....hahaha... What prompted me to blog about this topic is I remember there was once I keep worrying over small matters...


The haze seems playing hide and seek with us. There were days when it was so bad that I gotta do my runs in the gym, which was packed with people. The treadmills were all full house and I gotta wait for my turn in order to be able to run. And, I dislike running  too long on a treadmill as I usually ends by 5 KM. It's too boring already though...


While I was multitasking between reading and replying several whatapps messages as well as clearing my emails, a thought of the past came to my mind. I was also short on time as I needed to rush back to JB in order to beat the jam, which usually starts from 6pm to 9pm. It was hectic! The thought that dawn on me was back in the 90s during my late teenage...


I think I have learned a lesson while on leave but I still never learnt....hahaha... Well, due to availability of data network, I always tend to reply to whatapps message sent by my boss or colleagues. And, some of these messages are not work related as we do have special interest groups like running or badminton. Thus, when I was on leave, I tend...