
1. Since the iPhone 6 was launched in Singapore in September, I always wanted to get one for my wifey as her older iPhone 4S, which she used for almost 4 years, is calling it a day. However, I am only eligible to recontract my line in November and since 1 November, I have been trying hard to check out the stocks at the local telco but the phones were...


I thought of trying to run in the morning in preparation for my quarter marathon as I usually ran in the evening. I am not really a morning person as I woke up later than most of the working class since I am doing tele-working, where I can worked anywhere if there are no meetings in the office.  Anyway,  I'm glad I managed to wake up...


I was at One Fullerton Bay Hotel last Friday for Hi-Tea, which is quite a 'atas' place with my colleagues.The place was nice and high class though the food served was not much but it did keep us full till can skipped dinner. I didn't take pictures of the food but I did took some landscape pixs around the area as it was really beautiful as well as relaxing....


1. I was at Orchard Road to settle some work duties and once I reached there , I immediately felt the Xmas mood! Too bad I didn't have the time to get out of the building to walk around the street in order to check out the decor. However, the decor at Orchard Central and Orchard Gateway malls are attractive! I will check out the lights and decors...


It's almost year end already and this is the time where most of the folks will wind down by clearing leaves from work and started travelling for their vacation, whether near or far. I also planning to go somewhere but due to that I didn't plan earlier, I may have to pay more for my trip. I have also yet to decide on my vacation though I got some brochures...


Well, I blogged about R.E.S.T in my previous post and I really did have a lot of 'R', which is rest over the rainy weekend. It was rain and rain over the past week and that makes us confined to home most of the time. And, when you are at home with nothing much to do, the slumber will usually creeps in. Not too bad as I complained about getting lack...


I was chatting with my Amway friend on the subject of well-being. He mentioned four factors to well-being and good health , which I later thought it can be summarised into this acronym - R.E.S.T. R stands for rest. A good night and enough hours of sleep will definitely give our health a boost and prepared us ready for the following day. Lack of sleep...


It was indeed a good weekend after a long week. Went to my kid's school fun fair on a Saturday morning and had a good time there where I had my breakfast and shopped for stuffs. I got myself a dri-fit sleeveless shirt which will be good for my running or badminton and some shirts for my kids. My wifey and my SIL also did some shopping over there. In...


I complaint about of one of my legs feeling numb after running for 30 mins or more few weeks ago in my earlier post. Well, I finally found out the problem and that was because I wore the shoes too tight! I experimented with loosening my shoelaces (but make sure it won't came out and untied) and voila, I don't have anymore numbness even after 35 mins...


There was this day which I left company early after an event and seeing that I was in Plaza Singapura, I decided to go around to shop. And, somehow, I managed to get most of the stuffs here which I had problems finding it for weeks. Well, I finally got a Frozen toy for my little princess which consists of the two dolls, Elsa and Anna, in one pack....


Recently, I was involved in an art jamming workshop as part of my company's team-building event. The term 'Art Jamming' seems very alien to me and moreover, I am not into arts. In fact, I am very lousy in arts !! Anyway, what I learnt from the workshop was that art jamming was simply a spontaneous expression of your feelings in art forms. You just...