
An afternoon of rest and relax at Moonlight Bistro ...

I was back at work last Tuesday as it was only a day off for Hari Raya in Singapore. However, my family were still having fun in Singapore since it's a week-long holiday in Malaysia. They are finally back last weekend and its also back to routines for the kids. They have to attend their tuitions, enrichment classes, church school and etc. It's also back to routine for the entire family as its the usual running of errands at the malls during weekends but we still need to wind down at a nice bistro for some light and healthy food for lunch. I always love to relax at a nice bistro with good coffee!
Back to my favourite Aglio Olio but for my kid.

I had a beef bolognaise pasta. Besides Aglio Olio, I love beef bolognaise!

My wifey and little princess shared a nasi lemak with fried chicken.

Both bro and sis sharing a cooling drink

My little princess again ordered an Oreo Cheesecake.... I wonder what happened to her favourite strawberry cake ??

enjoying it!

As usual, I had my kopi, a Flat White.
It's the month of August already and how time flies. I still got a couple of personal goals to achieve before year end. Add oil !!

Have a nice week!


  1. wow, you are really a huge fan of aglio olio eh? You have been to this place for quite a few times haven't you?

  2. Ken - yup... many times but then, they have many branches in JB.

  3. I love carbonarra and beef bolognaise.. Oohh yeah oreo again for princess.. What happened to the strawberry? hehe.. Yeah back to routine for the family after a long holiday.. One thing's for sure (in my case) - cranky kids in the morning..

    1. Princess - not just your kids , my kids too ! My son doesn't even want to go to school yesterday. Have to coax him !

  4. Yah, now reminds me, I've some goals to achieve also, must try to finish them before the end of this year!

  5. You were here before, right? The place with the very Chinese name and serves western food.

    1. STP - yup , they also have many branches around jb.

  6. Very nice meal for the whole family! I like your daughter's Oreo Cheesecake.

  7. ah the pasta look good, I mean both the aglio olio and the beef bolognese.. :)

  8. hehe.. yalor.. your princess has not been ordering her favorite strawberry cake lately huh?? change of taste already?? :p

    1. SK - yeah , strange to me also. I asked her why she don't want strawberry cake and she said she like oreo.

  9. oh you've got some goals to be achieved by year end?? well, all the best bro!!

    p/s: may I add one more for you?? a goal to be the champion commenter in my blog!! muahahaha~~

    1. SK - ok...time for spamming like no tomorrow in your blog.

  10. Replies
    1. Sharon - haha...dunno leh. Maybe she got enticed by the oreo cookie.

  11. That proves your size.. eating all the western food and the oreo cake! Makes me drool...

  12. All the best in achieving your goals for 2014! :)

  13. The kids surely enjoy the food specially the oreo cake.

  14. Good luck on achieving those goals, Chris! Are you a pasta fan, by any chance? =D

    Bah, come to think of it, I've no idea if I'll be able to accomplish those goals before the year-end.

  15. Good luck in achieving your goals!
    Add oil!

  16. Good luck in achieving your goals!
    Add oil!

  17. I love Aglio Olio especially when it comes with creamy sauce, the nasi lemak also looks good, oh I am hungry

  18. Waverly - Yeah, I find Aglio Olio is light and delicious as well as healthy!

  19. Libby - hahah... I think you need to get a pasta or nasi lemak fix soon.

  20. good food yummy, pretty princess having a great time.

  21. Wow! My wife loves Flat White too and she only orders that. I am more for Cappucino!
