
I love macro photography.....

I am not a good photographer but I must admit I love macro photography. While at Zenxin Organic Park last week in Kluang , I captured some of my favourite macro moments. I felt that it's not easy to capture insects sticking to petals as they will flew away when you are near them but voila...I managed it. I didn't really possessed a good macro lens but sometimes photography is not all about gears too, but  rather the moment and timing. That's my opinion anyway, coming from an amateur. And, I simply love the pictures!

Two insects with a 'face' clinging on to a ...err... petal? Don't know what  is that... hehe

Nice...it didn't fly away.... I guess this 'petal' must be delicious!

The last picture here are actually those morning glories growing on the fences and one look at it, there's   nothing really special. However, when zoom closer to it, to me, they looked like papers origami in purple. When I posted this on picture on instagram, I titled it 'be humble and you look good'. Don't you agreed?


  1. Great macro's, but difficult to make shots of insects.


    1. Filip - Yes, they always fly away when you near them. :)

  2. Very nice... Beauty comes when you look nearer... hahaha...

  3. Photography isn't an easy task, learnt that during Uni time, but then, still love taking photographs everywhere!
    I realise you love flowers a lot!

  4. Hi Chris, wow! Great pics. One of the few times I read of someone having this hobby.
    Where I am quite often I see people lying on grass, wherever and taking closeup photography.
    As for me, I love portrait photography. It has its exciting benefits.
    Have fun.

  5. LOL...me too not a god photographer

  6. Hayley - that's where macro looks the best.... in flowers. :)

  7. Uncle lee - I love portraits too but can't get any SYT to model for me...hahaha

  8. Kucing - but you took nice photos of food.
