
2014 seems to be a mixed year for me. There were some good times, some tough times, sad times but overall, it seems like another year passed by. Anyway, like in Ecclesiastes 3, To Everything There Is A Season. There is always ups and downs in life but we always need to be in a positive attitude at every moments in life. Wishing you a...


I guess when in Cameron Highlands, the place to visit or must visit are the hilly tea plantations. No matter what, I realised once you see the awesome, spectacular and refreshing views of the cool plantations at the hills, all your stress will gradually melt or rather froze away. And, not forgetting of having a cup of freshly brewed tea there while...


I had usher duties on Christmas day and woke up quiet early and reaches church 30 minutes earlier. It was almost half full by then when I reached. I was very surprise that the church was fully packed this year till no more seats for the latecomers. In fact, after the service started one hour ago, there are still folks coming in. I guess most of them...


Every year, Christmas reminds us of gifts and presents to our loved ones and friends. And, these gifts actually reminds us of the greatest gift of all to mankind, that is our Lord , Jesus Christ. May you have a blessed Christmas with your family and friends. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,...


Well, my vacation seems pass so fast and a week has already over and I am back in Singapore now. Five days seems very short despite I took weeks to plan for this vacation, though it's just in Malaysia. That's also a reminder to me that time is precious! haha... Anyway, glad to be back and I miss my morning coffees here. hahah.. Anyway, it's quite...


So, the end of the year is around the corner, did you set any goals or resolutions for 2014 which you have achieve or did not meet it? I think I set quite a lot of goals but I did achieve a few. Though the new year resolutions sounds childish to some especially us, working adults, I think it's not a bad thing as we needed to plan some objectives within...


1.  I thought running a 10KM marathon last Sunday and working out regularly makes me an Iron Man. I was wrong as nature dealt me a gentle blow where I was down with a mild flu over the weekend. Anyway, feeling better now and managed to ran a short 3KM on a beautiful and breezy Sunday evening. 2.  I was asked to act in a skit by my Christian...


Oh...it's Friday and also my last day of work before my week-long vacation!! wooohoo...  I will be around Malaysia and won't be going overseas, thus will try to comments on your posts. Btw, 2015 excites me on the silver screen where there are a few blockbuster which I am looking forward to watch. Well, though I didn't blog about movies, I am...


I was having a mental block yesterday as to what to post for my blog and thus, delay my next post till tonight, while I chilled out surfing the net yesterday. After my run last Sunday, I am back to my routines where I workout as usual from Monday onwards as well as managed to ran 5KM on Monday and Tuesday, though my thighs and calf muscles still sore....


And so, that's it. Everything has a beginning and I attempted my first international marathon, though not a full or half marathon, but it's still great and an achievement on a beautiful Sunday morning. The 10km marathon is just nice for me at this moment and it was simply awesome! The experience was great when I thought back on the run especially the...