It's just Tuesday but I find that the week seems so long or maybe I'm longing to see my kids and wife in JB over the weekend. Anyway, been feeling good lately, thanks to working out and sufficient sleep. I jogged for almost 40 mins on a Monday evening in the gym while tonight, sweat it out at two badminton courts with only seven people. It was...
Wow..slept for almost 12 hours from 2am till 1.30pm on a Sunday and never felt so good. And, that's really the wonders of sleep, though we need not slept that much. I felt great, good mood, alert, focus and blissful. This has reminded me to sleep more, at least 7-8 hours during work days so that I can be always on the top and handle stress better....
I was taking a cab back from JB City Square (near JB's CIQ) and the driver is a Malay. He looks tired initially and sorta disinterested. Thus, I started asking him, 'Sudah makan? dah buka puasa' ? He replied ' Ya, dah makan'. Then, silence prevailed. After a few minutes later while he was turning a corner to another road, a motorbike was trying to...
I'm back to work today after my medical leaves but can't help feeling lethargic, tensed, slightly grumpy and all the no good feelings. I guess it's a combination of the drugs I have been taking for the past five days, too much sleep, a bombardment of work waiting for me, transiting from a rest mode to a super active mode and etc etc...
Thus, after...
Finally back to Singapore and completed my 2 days MC where I just taken my flu and cough medications as prevention. Yeah, felt better now after a 5 days ordeal with my bad flu in JB!! Feeling quite 'high' now due to the medications and about to sleep soon.
I didn't really go out during these few days except a walk in the park at faraway Taman Sutera...
Well, I was down with a flu and was on a two-day medical leaves. Not a bad thing, as I was able to rest and sleep, blogged, read and also able to cover some of my work for the day as I have email access.Perhaps the flu is an indication of stress and the body told me it's time to go slow and rest.
Flu always get the most MCs...2 days at least....!!
My wife and I were having problems coaxing my 5 year old kid to complete his homework, which I find that it's really a lot for a 5 year old kid. There seems never ending homework for him daily, be it English, Mandarin, Malay Language, Maths and etc. Sometimes I really pity young kids nowadays. And, these kindergartens too, always wanted to produce...
Got back from Singapore yesterday on a rainy night. Developed a cough and sore throat, most likely due to the weather,curry and dark chocolates. :) In fact, seems like a lot of people got sick lately. Anyway, glad I'm home and relaxing after a tough week! It will be another two tough weeks till September in work. Well, the busiest part of the year...
It was a fruitful Monday, though as usual my 'engines' are slow to warm up and my progress in work typically at a snail's pace. However, thanks to these Monday blues as I decided to go for a run in order to feel good. I had a shower later at the gym and thought it's a good idea to join my Christian cell group in the evening. It was a great evening...
Hurrah.....I finally got a notebook over in JB and now can go online during the weekend. And with my P1 Wimax, I guess I can bring them with me too whenever I travel far. That's a great idea as I can always online whenever I want as long as there's internet coverage for the Wimax that I've subscribed.
Before I started this blog, I read a short article...
Arh.....somebody posted my donkey years old teenage pixs just now at her blog! hehehe... That was the time when I sported those baggy pants and big t-shirt, with O shape glasses. Well, that was the trend in the 80s then. And, I got lots of hair then... You figured out the blog, she's on my blog roll. :)
Ok, back to my main post tonight. I was...
I was looking forward to the just passed long weekend as Monday is a holiday for Singapore. And to add in the excitement, I'm going to shop for a notebook and get internet access for my home here in JB. However, my four tyres needed to change and thus I spend a little fortune on it at the expense of my new notebook budget. Then, my two kids suddenly...
Sometimes I just loved to carry my elder kid who's 5 years old and whenever I carried him, he will hugged me tightly.Sometimes he also rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes as though as he is taking a nap. I feel that he sort of felt very secured in my arms and just leave everything to me without any fears or any untoward happening to...
It's been a while since I dined in Yew's Cafe, which is one of the better bistros in JB and offered a combination of western, oriental and even Japanese food. I usually patronage the Taman Molek outlet, which is the biggest of their three branches. Anyway, this time round, while on the way to the Tebrau City Jusco Shopping centre in Taman Johor Jaya,...
Thanks to the plate of nasi briyani I had last Thursday for dinner. It's spicy, lots of gravy and oily and now, my poor stomach gave away and I'm on MC on a Monday today. It's a cool morning and day where I'm sure everyone would envy me and might want to ask me where I had that plate of nasi briyani...LOL. Well, MC aside, I will have to work on today's...