
It has been a great Friday last week. I got my results and voila...I passed my exam! It was like a dream come true and I'm a certified Project Manager now. I thought I didn't do too well in the exam but it turns out ok. phew.... it's finally over!! Praise the Lord! And, in instagram which is a photo sharing app on mobiles, one of my photos got tagged...


Though I understand that time is precious, however I seems to forgotten it especially when I started working. Well, this seems to be a confusing statement. Before I started working, every day counts in the varsity as we have datelines for our assignments and projects as well as studying for our exams. We can't afford to waste too much time then. Once...


OK, it's time to reactivate back this blog. My exam is over and keeping my fingers crossed over the results next weekend. Well, I don't think I did that well as I was left chasing time for the last 24 questions. Hopefully, the rest of the questions, which totalled up to 108 can pull me through. If not, then gotta redo again. The first I wanted,...


Yo folks...if you are wondering why the sudden quiet from me lately, it's because I am preparing for my exam due next week and thus, will be taking a break from the blogosphere. It's kinda a hectic schedule for me daily but I'm into the the final lapse of my preparation and will look forward to catch up with the movies and you wonderful folks the next...